Create greater awareness of your stand and attract more visitors. er en webshop for udstillere på messer og konferencer,
der afholdes i Odense Congress Center. Webshoppen administreres af Logobrands, Skovstien 3, 8800 Viborg, som optager bestilling, fremsender korrektur og producerer din bestilling. Du kan altid ringe på +45 4018 2529
hvis du har spørgsmål.
Din ordre i webshoppen er en reservation, som endeligt ordrebekræftes
og faktureres af Odense Congress Center.
Din bestilling leveres direkte til din stand på den aktuelle messe, medmindre andet aftales.
På alle produkter i webshoppen kan du se en ordre deadline, der angiver
den tid, vi skal bruge for at levere produktet med dit logo eller budskab. is a webshop for exhibitors at fairs and conferences held
in the Odense Congress Center. The webshop is administered by Logobrands, Skovstien 3, 8800 Viborg, which takes orders, sends proofs and produces your order. You can always call +45 4018 2529 if you have any questions.
Your order in the webshop is a reservation, which is finally confirmed and invoiced by Odense Congress Center.
Your order will be delivered directly to your stand at the current fair, unless otherwise agreed.
On all products in the webshop you can see an order deadline that indicates
the time we need to deliver the product with your logo or message.
Du bestiller/reserverer de produkter du ønsker, og du skal være opmærksom på følgende når du taster din ordre:
Leverings adresse:
Fakturerings Adresse:
Hvilken messe i Odense Congress Center deltager du i:
Når du skal indsende logofil:
Når vi har modtaget din bestilling/reservation, bliver du kontaktet af Logobrands, for at aftale placering og trykmetode på din bestilling.
Herefter modtager du en korrektur, og en ordrebekræftelse fra Odense Congress Center, og vi går i gang med at producere din ordre.
When you order giveaways and promotional products for your exhibition stand, be aware of:
You order/reserve the products you want, and you must pay attention to the following when entering your order:
Delivery address:
Billing address:
Which fair in the Odense Congress Center are you participating in:
When submitting a logo file:
Once we have received your order/reservation, you will be contacted by Logobrands to agree on the placement and printing method of your order.
You will then receive a proof and an order confirmation from Odense Congress Center, and we will start producing your order.
+45 4018 2529
Logobrands v/ Larsen + Larsen
Skovstien 3
8800 Viborg
+45 6556 0100
Odense Congress Center / Jane Bang Møller
Ørbækvej 350
5220 Odense web: